School work: Animated web ad
The ad is part of a recruitment campaign targeting potential Digital Media Program students. This campaign targets area residents with some prior knowledge of digital illustration, animation, or design.
Positioning the DME program as a tool for continuing education or as an attractive option for complete digital media education points recruiting toward those with enough experience to maximize program offerings. These students are typically older than average college freshmen, ranging in age from mid-20s to mid-30s.
The script focuses on job and technical requirements of the program as benefits for workforce preparation
See handles pop out, follow the movement of the growing line work, see the final product, using a “pen tool” type cursor to interact with points along the way.
Look! People still take bad photos of crummy sketches!

The intro text wooshes out and we pull in on one vector point:

We stop at each point, allowing the viewer to "draw" the animation. The handles grow from each point and the next click is encouraged with a subtle, pulsing aura.

Finally, we pull back and the full shape is revealed, along with a link to the next piece of the recruitment funnel: